Haven’t studied Japanese in 3 – 4 months need tips for starting again

Ok so I stopped studying Japanese since the beginning of the school year because I was worried I’d have too much work on my plate. Now that I have realized I have quite a bit of free time and nothing to do I wanna get back into Japanese.

I’ve been studying for a little over 2 years, and was at like chapter 3 of quartet at the time I stopped studying. Id say my vocabulary and kanji were pretty good before i quit i knew i think over 2k kanji (and a lot more compounds). I’ve watched a couple videos and tried making sentences a bit. My comprehension and vocab is almost the same. My grammar is even worse than when I quit lol. And my sentence making and thinking in japanese is almost non existent. But hopefully that’ll come back with time.

Anyways, any tips for someone who’s at this weird spot rn would be greatly appreciated.

  1. I would just jump back into the book you were using. I took a year break when my kid was born and it didn’t take too long to catch back on to everything.

  2. Start with something light and enjoyable, like watching youtube/anime/drama or reading manga

    And gradually ramp up from there

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