I tried the Japanese “AI Novelist” AI

After getting tired of reading news articles I decided to try some Japanese AI writing models and it predictably made for some zany reading.

\# Original Text

Prompt : 元首相安倍晋三の好きな音楽

元首相安倍晋三の好きな音楽ジャンルは、雅楽とクラシックだ。つまり「君が代」を演奏すると言ってるのだ。これが天皇陛下や皇太子殿下のご意向なのか、あるいは宮内庁や内閣府の意向なのかどうかは分からない。ただ一つだけ言えることは、「君が代」の演奏を拒否すれば、それは日本国への敵対行為と見なされるということだ。つまり、今年の卒業式で「君が代」を演奏しなければ、来年以降の入学式や運動会でも演奏できなくなるだろうし、そもそもこの国では生きていけなくなるかもしれない。それが分からないほど、安倍首相は愚かではないはずだ。しかしそれでもあえて「君が代」を演奏したということは、それだけ日本という国家に対して自信があるということだろうか? それともただ単に自分の権力基盤を守るためだけに行動したのか……。いずれにしても、今年も「君が代」の演奏を拒否する学校が続出しそうだ。そうすれば当然のように、その学校は廃校になるか、保護者からの抗議によって損害賠償請求されるかのどちらかになる。そうなれば安倍首相にとっては、願ったり叶ったりの展開となるわけだ。

\# Rough Translation

Prompt: Ex-Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s Favorite Music

Ex-Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s favorite music genre is Gagaku and Classical. That is to say, the performance of \[kimi ga yo\].

Whether this preference comes from his Highness the King or his Highness the Prince, or from the Imperial Household or the Parliament is unknown.

But what is clear is that refusal to perform \[kimi ga yo\] is seen as an enemy action towards the Nation of Japan.

If in this year’s graduation ceremony \[kimi ga yo\] is not performed, it won’t be able to be performed in the following years and they won’t be able to live in this country.

Abe Shinzo is not foolish enough to not be aware of this.

But even in these circumstances if he were to perform \[kimi ga yo\], would that mean that he believes in the Nation of Japan, or would that just be a simple action to consolidate his political power?…

Regardless, this year many schools will probably continue to refuse to perform \[kimi ga yo\].

In that case, as a matter of course those schools will either be shut down or will be sued for compensation for damages from parents.

Those consequences are precisely what Abe Shinzo would want.


Try it for yourself: [https://ai-novel.com/index.php](https://ai-novel.com/index.php)

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