Genki I e-books available in French

Apologies if this was mentioned somewhere and I haven’t seen it, but it seems that The Japan Times has quietly released e-books in French for Genki I (both the [textbook]( and the [workbook](

As far as I’m aware, they had never announced plans for editions other than English, and [the announcement]( is about as barebones as you can get. I found out only because I happened to go to Genki’s website to get the errata.

**Genki II hasn’t been released yet in French** (though I would assume that it’s in the works) and, importantly, the books appear to be available **only as e-books** (unfortunately) — **no print versions**.

I can’t attest to the quality of the French translation, but there’s a free sample available from lesson 7 for folks to evaluate.

Anyway, since I hadn’t seen this mentioned _anywhere_ else, I thought it might be useful for at least some people here.

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