My company is trying to steal 440,000 yen and 12 days of leave from me

So I work for a company headquartered overseas as a 正社員 with a small Japanese office, and the company is dogshit but anyway…

They recently changed the timesheet system. I was told initially that I only needed to fill out if I did overtime, which we don’t do unless the client has pre-approved it. now they’ve changed it so that it auto-sets work hours/week as 0 and we need to put in our worked hours daily.

I haven’t done this and now the “30 day window” has passed to backdate it, and they have used all my leave and deducted salary by 440,000 yen. My blood is boiling.

I’m talking with the dickhead from a different office who is giving me attitude about it. This can’t be legal right? I’m an IT worker not a factory worker who has a clock in/out card or timesheet or whatever, and it’s extremely obvious if I didn’t work a day due to client meetings, daily meetings, tickets, emails etc not being sent.

To be clear, I have never filled out a timesheet but my salary/leave was only auto-decuted and reduced this last month. My contract mentions me as a salaried employee etc, not hourly.

Has anybody had to deal with this and has any advice?

  1. Your case is clearly in violation of the labor laws, so perhaps you should consult with the Labor Standards Inspection Office. Or perhaps you should tell your boss that you are thinking of doing so.

  2. Not defending the company, but why didn’t you just backdate and submit your time card during the 30 day window to do so? You would have avoided this situation entirely.

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