What should I know if travelling to Japan mid/late May – early June?

Hi everyone!

I am looking to travel to Japan in the second last week of May and staying there until the first week of June.

Before booking tickets, is there anything I should know about travelling during these months?

My main hesitation based on research is that June is the start of rainy season. Light rain is totally fine, however, will the rain inhibit some of the activities we want to do (hiking, visiting outdoor attractions, etc)?

Thanks so much for all your help in advance!

  1. If you’re lucky you’ll have warm but humid weather, but once we arrived in Japan on the 31st of May and it rained near constantly, especially in Nagasaki where it was 30+ temperatures and high humidity combined with a near continuous downpour, after a few attempts to see the sights we gave up and spent two days in our hotel room.

    I wouldn’t recommend travelling in June or July

  2. If you *love* heat and humidity, then it’s a good time to go. If not – try any other season but summer. Even winter there isn’t all that unpleasant – unless you’re not used to cold. I’m Canadian and I found it fine – YMMV on that, though.

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