N5 reading material that doesn’t avoid using kanji

It’s so annoying, they constantly swap out kanji that are in the N5 set for hiragana. It makes it harder to understand and I’m not learning as much. The N5 practice test does this too and it’s such an annoying practice. If anyone knows of N5 reading material that uses the kanji properly let me know

  1. There are some free resources that do this e.g. the [free graded readers by the NPO tadoku supporters](https://tadoku.org/japanese/free-books/) that usually use kanji but with furigana. There are some exceptions though where they use hiragana instead in their levels 0-1.

    The published graded readers by taishukan and ask are probably exactly what you are looking for. (Look for 日本語多読ブックス and レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー) Simple grammar, illustrations and furigana on all kanji. They are only available as physical books though.

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