“AEW remains a viable option for top NJPW star Kota Ibushi, who is expected to become a free agent when his New Japan contract expires in Q1 2023.”

“AEW remains a viable option for top NJPW star Kota Ibushi, who is expected to become a free agent when his New Japan contract expires in Q1 2023.”

  1. Golden Lovers could be back in Business boys, or god imagine a trio of: Kenny, Kota, Takeshita

  2. Might be best for all sides for him to go to NOAH. If it’s true that he’s been healthy for months and New Japan hasn’t used him, then it’s clear that they’re done with him. Sad way for his career there to end given how much he did from 2019 to 2021.

  3. OK let’s play my favourite game with leaks. Who told lanza this information. Does anyone think kota ibushi talks with lanza who has consistently contradicted himself on kota

    Like hes even hedging his bets. Oh cyberfight might but they are worried he will embarrass them. Come on guy.

    Like he’s a big draw in Japan going out of contract. Everyone will be interested. Great scoop Joe

  4. Fun matches all around if he goes to AEW or joins NOAH.

    Since it looks like the Elite will be feuding with HOB after the trios with Death Triangle, would be great way for him to make his debut when the HOB are beating down the Elite and he comes in for the save. Malakai Black vs Ibushi is a dream match of mine

  5. Everyone is better in Japan. Ibushi would be a shell of his former self in AEW. He’d have a match with Omega and then TK would forget what to do with him. Best case he’s just a warm body in The Elite.

    Guys who can’t speak good English are wildly handicapped in these promo-heavy American promotions

  6. Wouldn’t surprised if he signs with NOAH but has extended AEW runs, similar to Takeshita. AEW has a good relationship with the other two CF promotions (DDT/TJPW), and they’ve shown a willingness to work with NOAH in recent months too with the Mutoh, Sting, and Darby stuff. Ibushi could easily be the catalyst for an AEWxNOAH partnership to grow to a similar level to the AEWxDDT one.

  7. Fantasy scenario:

    * Ibushi signs with DDT
    * Goes to AEW and had a feud with Takeshita
    * Forbidden Door X has the two fight for the KO-D Openweight Championship
    * They have BTE segments with Kenny and Nakazawa
    * DDT-style matches on BTE and even for the IHC.

  8. Am I the only one that feels like he’ll just take the freelancer route after his contract is over? Something similar to what he had before he entered the G1 in 2017. Makes occasional appearances on NOAH/AEW shows, but nothing locked down.

    It’s too bad things went the way they did with him. He was one of my favorites, and I’ll put my foot down and say the G1 Final match with Tanahashi is the best match of this generation.

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