It just has that man smell and i’d like to remove it.I have a rack, and I even use one of those futon driers that blow hot air into them very regularly.
I have always showered right before bed, and keep my space very clean, so i think it is just sweat or something that has built up.
I think it needs a wash to be honest, but im not even sure where that is possible to do.
Try hanging it up outside. That will get rid of mold smells usually, so maybe it will work for this, too.
Hang it outside in the sun regularly, or take it to a coin laundry with the big washers and dryers.
You can’t wash a futon unless it’s in a large washing machine at a laundromat. Hopefully there is one in the neighborhood.
Some coin laundries specialise in big items. Have look on Google maps for a ジャンボランドリーふわふわ