Too many coins. Help!

In just two years, I have amassed a mountain of 1/5/10¥ coins. I would happily pay a large % of their value just to get rid of them. How can I?

FYI – I don’t live in Tokyo.

  1. Money can be exchanged for goods and services.

    No one will shank you for paying in cash at the conbini, just use them.

    Or donate take them to bank and deposit them into your account.

  2. Use them lol. Next time you buy something don’t just hand out a 1000円 note rather put some coins in the mix. Alternatively, if you are feeling charitable, most convenience stores have a small box for donations. Lastly you could visit a shrine or temple and pray or something.

  3. If you want I’ll accept any and all donations. I know exactly how to dispose of this large collection. Or I’ll gladly buy them off of you at a large %? How about 1000円 for 2000円 worth of coins.

  4. Say you have to pay 980 yen. Instead of using a 1000 yen bill and getting back 2x 10 yen coins, you give them 1030 yen, and you get back 1x 50 yen coin. Same thing for the one yen coins. For something that’s like, 97 yen, give them 102 yen, get back one 5 yen coin.

    That’s how you get rid of coins.

  5. Ever since 711 installed their automatic payment machines my coin collection completely disappeared

  6. Is there not a supermarket near you with automated pay? Like you put in the cash or dump in the coins and it adds it all up. Alternative option: daiso or 7-11 I’ve seen with these kind of machines.

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