Where to exchange euro->yen in Yokohama/Tokyo?

Looking to exchange euro in cash at a decent rate somewhere in Yokohama or Tokyo by the end of the week, only have a bank account at jp bank and can’t make transfers.

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Tokyo.

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  2. https://www.yokohamajapan.com/information/exchange/

    You should have kept those EUR in your bank account and used ATM to withdraw. That would give you best rates.

    Supposedly Mizuho and MUFG still allow walk-in currency exchange (as in, you don’t need to have an account there) but I’m going to guess the exchange rate will be pretty shit. I’d give those branches a call (from the link above) and see if you can do it. They will also most likely require online reservation due to corona stuff so you can’t just walk in there, either.

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