Hotel room guests?

tl;dr is will a hotel complain if I bring someone up to my room?

Longer version, will be off to visit my girlfriend soon. She lives with her whole ass family so there’s really no space for me to stay there either, and so I booked a hotel. Naturally, her and I are going to be wanting some alone time as well, and my hotel is right by their apartment, so we want to go back there for various activities alone. I don’t want to run afoul of hotel management, though. I did ask though the booking site already, but got no response, and their posted rules don’t *say* anything about bringing someone back to the room, but I don’t know. On the rare occasion I’ve needed a hotel here I was always on my own so it was never something that came up.

I booked a single room, but they do have double rooms available still if I need to switch; it’s pay on arrival so I’m fine in that regard. I’ve just gotten a bit concerned about it now that the trip is soon.

Edit to clarify: Probably she wouldn’t be spending the night with me any, I think, just we’d be hanging out there together a lot.

  1. It just depends on the rules of the hotel. Some hotels only allow one guest in a single room. My husband and I once stayed in a single room at a business hotel because everything else was booked when we arrived in town. We were together when we checked in and had no problems at the front desk. Two people in a single room in that hotel was a bit cramped but I guess you could say it was also cozy.

  2. I’ve had both the experience of them not caring, and then straight up saying I’m not allowed to have anyone else in the room. If you want to play it safe just pay for two people to stay in the room.

  3. The rule is you have to declare if someone is going to stay with you. How much they will care if you go with her multiple times I have no idea. Some places are pretty strict and some places not so much.

    Honestly ,I would just play the “I had no idea” card if confronted. However, they will still make you pay 😂😂. Again, IF they confront you.

  4. Depends on the hotel. Call without identifying yourself and ask. Even if they say no, they usually can’t tell if you have your friend come up separately.

  5. If she’s not spending the night, no decent hotel will complain. (even if she did, it would in most cases be perfectly fine)

  6. If your GF goes in just looking like a regular person hotel staff usually won’t care or remember if it is like a large hotel with many rooms. They might ask questions though if you try to bring in a stumbling, scantily clad, speech slurred drunk call girl.

    Totally don’t know from personal experience.

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