Inquiry about Migration

I have been thinking about moving to japan, but i do not know or have any contacts in japan.

I want to live there for good.. because of my current situation here.. i will tell you more in DMs

If you are japanese and is in japan right now.. can you drop me a message, maybe we can meet when i land in japan and help me with yhe migration..

I am not tech savvy enough.. im sorry but I don’t know how to navigate the website, it has numbers but when i called it’s just automated voice and then it cuts off ..

I would appreciate your help!..

  1. This post should be best posted at r/movingtojapan. Spidy sense says your case probably isn’t promising.

  2. > I have been thinking about moving to japan

    we all think this

    > i do not know or have any contacts in japan.

    okay gonna be a bit tougher

    > I want to live there for good.. because of my current situation here..

    right away i can tell you moving to japan won’t fix your situation. fix your situation and then move to japan.

    > If you are japanese and is in japan right now.

    Japanese do not speak English and do not use Reddit. Most of the responses you see are English teachers in Japan and their limited views of Japan.

    > maybe we can meet when i land in japan and help me with yhe migration..

    what makes you think Japanese folks will bend over backward to meet a stranger and do the hard work for you? Why not ask them to fix your situation in your country too?

    > I am not tech savvy enough.. im sorry but I don’t know how to navigate the website

    good you will fit in japan.

    > it has numbers but when i called it’s just automated voice and then it cuts off ..

    you are trolling right?

    Like this can’t be a serious person that actually thinks what he wrote??

    I don’t want to be harsh but if you can’t make it where you are you are not going to make it in Japan or anywhere. Just stay where you are.

  3. Lmao is this a joke?
    Like if this already how low effort you are before even going overseas good luck

  4. Don’t go to Japan without a college degree in something marketable.
    Don’t go to Japan trying to run away from your situation.
    Don’t go to Japan to live without understanding the language.
    Don’t expect Japanese to want to help you immigrate to their country.

  5. Japan is probably one of the hardest countries in the world to immigrate to.

    Bare minimum requirement is a college degree, preferably an advanced degree in something science or tech-related. I’m going out on a limb here but it doesn’t sound like you meet that threshold.

    The second requirement is going to be some Japanese language skill, which it also doesn’t sound like you meet.

    The only other way I could think of would be to somehow get admitted to a university in Japan, or if you have a bachelor’s degree you can sign up for JET or something like that. I’m not sure if you could parlay that into permanent residence though.

    Good luck!

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