fugu (blowfish) sashimi as part of a tasting menu~ it was “fine”, nothing to write home about and i wouldn’t go out of my way to have it again. it doesn’t have much flavor (you practically have to drown it in ponzu) but it has a unique texture, quite firm (reminded me of frog when cooked)

fugu (blowfish) sashimi as part of a tasting menu~ it was “fine”, nothing to write home about and i wouldn’t go out of my way to have it again. it doesn’t have much flavor (you practically have to drown it in ponzu) but it has a unique texture, quite firm (reminded me of frog when cooked)

  1. Yeah that was my feeling as well. Had it on my first trip to Tokyo — it was a little underwhelming compared to all of the other wonderful food we ate in Japan.

  2. I know in Japan you have to have training and be licensed to serve fugu, but I wonder if that’s the case all over the world? Do people in other countries eat puffer fish?

  3. I wouldn’t trust someone preparing fugu if they can’t bother to take the seeds out of my lime

  4. A Japanese acquaintance told me that really experienced chefs put just enough of the toxin in the dish to cause lip tingling (the first sign of poisoning) but not enough to kill.

  5. It’s on my list of things to try on my upcoming vacation to Japan. I wanna knock as much out as possible in the month I’ll be there since it’s my first time and idk when I’ll go back.

  6. Totally agree. It’s great to try it one time but if I never eat it again I won’t be sad about it. It’s actually better cooked imo. Same goes for eel!

  7. I appreciate this review. Always have wanted but if it isn’t anything special taste wise I’ll save my 9 lives for something else.

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