Suspected Saitama Family Killer Possibly Had Grudge Against International Couple Over Car Vandalism Issues

Suspected Saitama Family Killer Possibly Had Grudge Against International Couple Over Car Vandalism Issues

  1. The 40 year old man was apparently accused of vandalizing the family’s car, according to other residents in the area. Police investigated it but there was apparently an out of court settlement.

    Per my wife from Japanese language articles: the man lived alone about 60 meters from the family’s home. His father has told reporters that he hasn’t talked to him for around 20 years. There had been not one but numerous incidents of their car being vandalized on their private parking space (they lived in a single family home, not an apartment or mansion) and it was very deep scratches along the entire exterior of the car that other neighbors feel “was definitely not accidental or simply a prank”. Investigators are having trouble establishing motive because he’s refusing to talk to them. The murdered family consisted of an American man, his Japanese wife and their daughter.

    **Despite calling police multiple times about the vandalism that was possibly leading to something more serious, the police never formally charged him.**

  2. I am super not familiar with Japanese law, but considering there is not one, but three dead people whose bodies were beaten badly, [specifically in the head/face]( (「顔は損傷が激しかったものの、判別できる状態だったと言います。), not to mention there is security footage of him entering the residence, there are witnesses that heard screams and saw the alleged swinging a blunt instrument, then emerging from the house shortly after, it seems super strange to me that they downgraded the initial charge from “murder” to “attempted murder.”

    Please someone tell me this is some procedural thing and that they will later re-charge with murder.

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