When Should Immersion Begin? + Kanji Deck Assistance

Hello, all!

I am currently a beginner in Japanese. As you can imagine, I’ve been through this subreddit looking for any and every resource possible to find something that fits me and how I learn.

Eventually, I settled on Tofugu for my kana. I’ve since finished kana and moved to WaniKani and Anki for kanji practice. I have multiple manga and anime lined up to read/watch/listen to but I’m not sure when I should start getting to that stage. I know that one manga I’ve been hearing a lot about, “Yotsuba&”, is very beginner friendly and has tons of furigana. I’ve been looking forward to that but, once again, I’m not sure when to actually go to that step.

Also, as far as Anki goes, I am using two decks right now and have been for a few days now:


[Core 2.3k](https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/coredeck/)

Should I be using both of them, or should I stick to one? I’m not sure if they work well together or if they contradict each other. If my post violates any rules, I will take it down immediately.

1 comment
  1. So, immersion means a lot of different things to a lot of different people at different levels of progress. Let’s tackle this with the idea of “media consumption for exposure to the language as a beginner” in mind.

    In that case, I’d say, as soon as possible. You won’t understand a lot of things, but understanding anything isn’t why you’re doing any media consumption at this stage anyway. If some vocab sticks, or you manage to remember stuff you learned elsewhere, great. If not, then you’ll get there. You’re more likely to notice these things if you read and watch something grounded and fairly slow-paced if you’re trying to actively pay attention.

    The more you get used to seeing and hearing the language, the more you’ll understand, and at that point you’ll want to review unknown stuff that keeps coming up in your media. But until you reach that level, there’s no harm in just reading and watching for fun. I’d suggest you get used to watching without subtitles sooner rather than later though.

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