戸建orマンション?Which one you prefer?


I have been looking at the real estate marketing near tokyo for a while. Personally I prefer 戸建 since I could have my own car space, and don’t need to pay management fee and repair cost. But recently I found an attractive マンション. Good price and convenient commutation for my current job. But I need to pay management fee and repair cost every month in addition to loan. These would be higher when the property gets older.

What are your options when choose between these two types of real estate?


  1. I prefer houses. More space, and less worries about neighbors.

    Also, what exactly is the point of typing a long post in English but ramming in two words in kanji/katakana? It’s weird.

  2. I’d always choose a house over an apartment. Only the whole bureaucratic rigmarole (can we have a vote that I may have a dog; where can I park my scooter, yada yada) puts me off. Plus, you’ll have to pay a management company for things you can easily DIY. And you live in your neighbour’s kitchen window, and you can hear her moan or snort at night. The apartment is yours, but in a bad way, you are not really the owner.

    Just personal preference, though. Others might like it.

  3. Although the size of houses is nice, the resale value of condos is superior (and value actually appreciates in recent times **in select areas).

  4. Both are good. I personally prefer a マンション. In terms of neighbors, you can almost completely ignore them. Just a nod or else nothing. I love the anonymity. No neighborhood cleaning activities or other BS. There’s a residents’ committee but your turn only comes round once every 20 years and even then you can just sit in silence.

  5. In general, apartments are often more comfortable, but they are smaller in size, so it’s hard to say which is better.

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