Bunkasai activities?

Not sure if these kinds of posts are allowed but I wanna know what the best 文化祭 activities you’ve seen or heard about during your JET experience! Thanks 🙂

  1. Best one I experienced was an escape room. They did a whole maze in their classroom, Egypt themed and everything. I’d only been at the school for a matter of weeks, and one of the girls running it saw I was interested, but knew the questions were all in Japanese, and knew I’m N10. Asked me to come back in half an hour. When I did, she’d translated the questions and answers for me, and then walked me though, waiting to help if needed while I sorted out the puzzles. The true hgihlight though is at the end. I’m on my knees near the exit after cralwing through a tunnel. Start working out the last puzzle. Hear a noise and turn around and there was this giant monster painted on a wall that they were slowly pushing along the tunnel. Actually had a spike of real fear, it was just so brilliantly done – the art, the situation, the wall closing in…

    Easily one of my best memories of my whole Japan experience.

  2. I’m at a rural, very small JHS, so they don’t live up to the very cool very exciting school festivals in anime lol. I’ve heard HS ones are more exciting.

    Pre-covid, each class would do a short play (only one class per grade). Then we’d break for lunch. Usually there was an option to have pre-bought tickets for food catered in from a local restaurant. There was also a small flee market and some exhibitions of student work. Then each class would sing a song. Then the whole school would sing a song together. Then it’s over and you leave. A bit anticlimactic ngl. Especially if you don’t have the Japanese skills to understand the plays.

    Since covid we’ve been on a shortened schedule with no lunch or flee market. The whole school song is also pre-recorded

  3. The highschool I was at was a technical highschool and was pretty cool.

    While most of the classes had various stalls for knocking things over with a ball be it kicking or throwing which were fun.

    One class built a spinning coffee cup ride. And another built a “jet coaster” in the class room. It was a glorified slide with a cart to go down but it was pretty cool they managed to build that!

    A third class which was referred to as the Yankee class, (kids were good and always tried in the lessons and had hearts of gold) built a casino with blackjack and roulette games. When I walked my first thought was “Yep… Of course they did…” It was a good day lots of fun.

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