Paypay re-verification?

Since last week Paypay has asked me to re-verify with them, I thought it might be a good thing because I could finally register my katakana name with them (I could fill katakana name during verifications).

But it did not go very well. I have received canned rejection message saying that “Unable to confirm the issue number on the ID, Take a photo so that the number appears clearly and apply again”.

I was using my number card, and there was no number at all on the front side, which happened to be the side required by the Paypay app.

Are they actually asking for “MyNumber”?

  1. I also used my My Number card for the verification process. The number is on the front of the card, bottom left corner. I had to retake the photo a couple of times. All finished now though. No issues.

  2. Just do whatever they asked. The problem is compliance with government regulations for financial services for foreigners. I’m on my third round of forms with them for a PayPay bank account. I also couldn’t successfully scan my MyNumber card with my iPhone. It worked when I scanned it with my iPad. Once you’ve corrected everything they ask you to correct and everything looks perfect on their end you will be good to go.

  3. Strange. I used my MyNumber and just scanned the chip, no photo, and was verified the next day. It did make me re-register my bank though.

  4. I’ve tried to use my MyNumber card for verification twice and it failed both times. I used the method to scan it and verify information, but that failed because it said I need to go to the city office and update some documentation regarding my address. I recently moved and have already been to the office to update my address and the new address is printed on the card (but the old address appears when it’s scanned). So then I tried to verify again, but by filling out all the information manually so I can use my new address. After 3 days, they emailed me to tell me that they could not verify me because my address doesn’t match what’s on the card…even though it _does_ match – they just didn’t look at the little blue box where my new address is on the card.

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