Is it easy to get toiletries in Japan?

I’m traveling to Japan next month with only a backpack and I’m thinking about only taking the essentials/things I might not find there and buying everything else upon arrival (like detergent, shampoo, etc). Is this a bad idea?

  1. It’s extremely easy to get general toiletries. I went shopping for funsies for local toiletries.

    If you’re staying at a hotel, some basic toiletries are provided.

    However, like you noted about bringing hard-to-find things, I found that it was hard to understand and a little overwhelming if I wanted a “specialty” item in the middle of the night at a 7 Eleven. For example, oil-free sunscreen for acne prone skin.

  2. Drugstores and 7/11s are everywhere. Train stations, every shopping street, literally everywhere. I think your plan is sound.

  3. Alternate opinion: bring enough deodorant. The antiperspirants in Japan seem to be hot garbage. My daughter has been in Tokyo for 4 years now, and she still has me send her deodorant in the mail, or she buys it on Ebay. Also I recommend bringing a full supply of Ibuprofin.

  4. yes you can buy everything you need when you get there ( even the essentials ).

    packing light is the way to go

  5. Deodorant is a good thing to bring from your home country, Japan has some options but they may not work as well for you. Also, consider bringing menstrual pads or tampons, depending if you use them/what you use. Especially if you use pads and have a heavy flow, Japanese pad brands (at least in my experience) don’t have as wide a selection when it comes to sizes and heavy flow/night time pads.

    Lastly, ibuprofen or acetaminophen, whichever you use, def bring some. Japanese OTC drugs tend to have lower dosage than other countries OTC drugs. I’ve heard it can be hard to find Tylenol but I’ve def bought it there before so it is around. Other than that, have fun! Lots of great skincare, sunscreen, makeup items to explore!

  6. Yes this is a great plan. It’s so fun to get new toiletries on overseas trips. Convenience stores will have smaller sizes of pretty much anything you might need.

  7. Most hotels provide shampoo, body wash, etc. if you have anything specific you like, bring it, otherwise you can pretty much travel empty handed. Most convenience stores and drug stores have stuff too.

    My one exception is deodorant— as an American I’ll never get used to Japanese deodorant.

  8. I am in Japan right now. Everything is easy to find, but the other posts nailed it. Deodorant and toothpaste would be good to bring. Headache medication too, if you are prone to headaches. Other than that, everything else is easily accessible.

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