Does My Routine Need Improvements?

– **Anki** – Core 2.3k and RTK (usually 45 min. to 1 hour right now)
– **Cure Dolly** – 3-4 videos + Notes if needed
– **Listening & Reading Immersion**: 2-3!Learning with Shun vlogs (w/ Japanese subs) or podcasts
(Gonna need to find more for immersion)
– **Drops App**

I’m doing this daily and it’s been nice so far but I feel like I’m not doing enough or as much as I could be. I hear about the textbooks (Genki and Minna no Nihongo) quite a bit and once I get more vocab under my belt I’m thinking about picking up “Yotsuba&!”

Any tips to improve my routine or anything I should change? I want to at least be able to read through regular books at a comfortable level by the end of the year.


  1. Anki is definitely the most essential tool here in my opinion. I am not a big fan of drops though. The time spent with drops app I would spend with learning more vocab/kanji with anki. But that is just a matter of taste.

    What is your Japanese level right now? I would suggest setting an intermediate milestone. Being able to read all 4 daily articles from NHK easy news effortlessly, without furigana, like you would read news in your native language, is one of the most satisfying accomplishments in the Japanese learning journey. With a bit more effort studying kanji and grammar, you are ready to take the jlpt n3!

  2. Sounds like quite a lot to me. I estimate that to be roughly 3-4 hours per day. About 2 years to fluency (as defined by US Dept. of State – i.e. 2200 hours).

    Textbooks are ok, but you don’t need them if you’re doing CD’s grammar videos. Grammar is intended to be a short term thing anyway as you will eventually internalize the grammar and won’t need to consciously think about it.

    Personally I’d drop RTK as it’s a large amount of work and I think you’d get more benefit just learning more vocab.

    Most of your study should eventually move to immersion with that driving any new vocab and grammar.

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