Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (January 07, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. What does ‘苦手な人は?’ mean? I thought it was something, ‘what type of person do you find hard to deal with/dislike?’ but then the reply was 面白い人 which seemed a bit odd to me.

  2. I’m getting more comfortable with kanji and ive learned how the different readings work. But im not sure of something, the sub kanji, or kanji radicals that’s have readings on there own do they “carry forward” and make up part of the new reading that’s used in a word?

  3. Finally had some Japanese conversation in an Osaka bar yesterday. I definitely spoke pretty broken Japanese but it seems like they mostly got what I was trying to say after the first couple of tries and I mostly got what they were trying to say after the first couple of tries. Also I am at almost 550 kanji now and am picking up my first Japanese language manga! (Chainsaw man)

  4. I keep seeing で and は put together as a single particle but I don’t know why. Nothing comes up for では on Jisho and the only double particle I know as of now is with も coupled the few particles it doesn’t replace.


    Edit: では does actually come up on Jisho, ignore that part.

  5. > でんわのあいてがにせものだったとばれたら、さやかにものすごくにくまれてしまうだろう。ぼろが出ないよう、気を付けてほしいんだけど。

    Context: Someone is handling an important phone call for someone else, and pretending to be them. If they are found out it will be bad. They are talking to someone named さやか.

    I can’t understand ぼろが出ないよう. Something about rags coming out? An idiom maybe?

    The rest might mean: “If it leaks out that Sayaka is talking to a fake, she will be really angry. (like something???), I just want to be careful.

  6. In the Tango N5 Anki deck there is a sentence that goes 「地球の事を研究しています。」and I’m trying to understand what is the point of the の事 because 地球 is already a noun so why is there a nomalizer? Wouldn’t 「地球を研究しています。」make just as much sense?

  7. Vocab tips for beginner? Reading is a good way of doing things once you have a solid base and aren’t overwhelmed with new vocab which I can’t do yet. Thing is though, aside from reading, it seems it’s just a matter of reading from and going back and forth over a wordlist, 10 words a day. Is this just the case or is there a better method? Really would like to have some sort of consistent, solid way of getting vocabulary so I don’t find myself bottlenecked down the line.

  8. > そうしておけば、次の日、学校に行っても、智美はぼろをでさずに住むし、みんなの話題にもついていける。

    Context: 智美 here has a magical answering machine that tells her what her friends said to her every day. She can keep up with them if she uses it. I can’t understand what そうしておけば means. I think the rest is, “The next day, even if she went to school, 智美 could live without being exposed (of having her magic answering machine), and keep going with everyone’s topics (of conversation).”

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