Renewing driving license within 6 months of expiry

Quick question, I left the renewal to the last minute and due to some scheduling conflicts it would *really* help if I could do the renewal a few days after expiry as I really can’t take the time off before then.

Apart from not being able to drive in the interval from expiry to renewal, is there any major downside to doing this? Does something bad go on your record or any long term repercussions?


    Your license will be expired and technically invalid once passed the expiry date. License center can exempt you from the paper and technical test to reapply the license but you need a good reason:

    1) overseas travel, disaster
    2) sickness
    3) you are imprisoned
    4) other reasons due to social or business needs

    There is another set of criteria if it is beyond 6 months but under 3 years.

  2. If you have a gold license you’ll be able to renew it at a wider (and hopefully more convenient) number of places, and some should operate on the weekend.

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