Full-Coverage Moped Insurance Cost

So I just got a 50cc moped. My company requires me to have full-coverage insurance to use it for work-related travel.

The insurance company that the seller connected me to is asking for ¥6500 monthly for such insurance. That seems really high to me. Am I getting ripped off, or is this what I can expect anywhere I go?

  1. >So I just got a 50cc moped. My company requires me to have full-coverage insurance to use it for work-related travel.

    Yep, mine requires that and me signing a waiver that I will pay for damages to my own vehicle if I am in an accident IF I chose not to have body insurance for my vehicle.

    >The insurance company that the seller connected me to is asking for ¥6500 monthly for such insurance. That seems really high to me. Am I getting ripped off, or is this what I can expect anywhere I go?

    You should always check multiple places, but, most of us get the moped insurance added onto our full coverage auto insurance since a family 50cc can normally be covered for 0 or close to it that way.

    My motorcycle insurance though, which does not cover damage to my motorcycle if I am at fault, is roughly 5man a year though (I don’t know if it’s got a monthly rate since I don’t pay monthly).

    EDIT – get the lawyer option, all it takes is one accident for the lawyer option to pay off, and you will have at least 1 accident…

  2. That seems high. Full coverage for my 900cc motorcycle was about ¥4,000/month (roughly ¥49,000/year).

  3. Look at Zurich. I have their full coverage and I think my first year about about 3500 a month.

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