I remember vocabs with kanji, but when it comes to writing the word, i just seem to forget it.

I only know what the word is if i look at it, but when it comes to writing, i just seem to always forget how to write. Any tips on how i should study to remember words when writing?

  1. No problem.

    It’s the same for me as a Japanese. 😂

    After all, if I rely too much on the keyboard, it will disappear from my head more and more. To prevent this, I always need to keep writing with notes and notes.

  2. Yeah, study your cards in reverse. Have the english meaning or Japanese pronunciations with hiragana/katakana be displayed and you are forced to recall the kanji, draw the kanji out, I tend to use [kanjicanvas](https://asdfjkl.github.io/kanjicanvas) on my phone or tablet, and then base my pass/fail on the card as to whether I drew the kanji correctly or not.

  3. production is harder than recognition though

    like, way, harder

    if you’re typing it’s rather easy, you pick the kanji off a list

    if you are writing like, actual writing with paper, that’s gonna be the hardest thing

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