This community needs to be divided into two subreddits one for normal learners the other for the weeb/otaku cultists amirite?

I just want a normal community of language learners like i get with french, german, arabic, chinese etc.

But japanese has ppl that only learn due to anime/manga/hentai etc.

They are ruining the japanese culture for normal people that want to learn the language and culture.

I call for the seperation of this subreddit into two subreddits:

r/learnjapanese for normies

r/weebsotakuforjapu for the weebs/otaku toxic cult

Mods can we make this happen?

  1. Cope and seethe.


    I’ve met degenerate weebs that have made 10 times a better first impression than you have with this post.

  2. As if this post isn’t toxic as fuck, lol

    Edit: holy shit, this guy has a sex doll named Yumeko and he has the audacity to shit on weebs. 😂

  3. If the weeb/otaku can bring some advices, I don’t really car about what he like. If he need some advice to learn how to write, how to watch an anime in japanese or stuff like that, I’ll happy if someone here help him.

    So please, find another group to learn how to be tolerant.

  4. There actually was a subreddit called something like /r/LearnJapaneseNoAnime but for the life of me I can’t find it now

  5. People learn Japanese for any number of reasons and one of those reasons is to appreciate Japanese media. Anime is everywhere in Japan for a number of reasons and although being an otaku isn’t appreciated or encouraged in japan, it is a part of the culture.

    You don’t need to appreciate that specific part of japanese culture, but discounting it or saying that it’s irrelivent to ask about the usefulness of using a specific medium for language learning is just narrow minded and petty. If you don’t like that people learn Japanese just to watch anime then do something productive, like share other good parts of japanese culture. Otherwise, go off and learn japanese on your own because anime IS going to come up since it’s something people enjoy and since there can be some good sources of entertaining beginner stuff that can be used to practice the language.

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