Why not try the subreddit official discord server? There are people in voice chat everyday and I’ve found chatting there very helpful. Native people show up daily as well.
>Check out our awesome official subreddit Discord server that has language exchanges, voice chat, weekly events, and even a resources tab! Go check it out! [https://discord.gg/8bEevDY](https://discord.gg/8bEevDY)
1 comment
Why not try the subreddit official discord server? There are people in voice chat everyday and I’ve found chatting there very helpful. Native people show up daily as well.
>Check out our awesome official subreddit Discord server that has language exchanges, voice chat, weekly events, and even a resources tab! Go check it out! [https://discord.gg/8bEevDY](https://discord.gg/8bEevDY)
copied from subreddit wiki page.