Moving to Kyoto for Study Abroad

Hello all, I really hope this is the right place to be posting this question. In any case, I will be in Japan starting this fall. Needless to say, I have a million questions and I am quite nervous, but one thing I was wondering was whether there could be any chance of me shipping my computer over. So, my computer is a somewhat needlessly expensive and heavy thing, there is a purpose to it, I say needlessly as a joke, but it is much more expensive and heavy than average. In the neighborhood of $15,000 and 100 pounds. In short, I have a pretty good feeling it would be completely unfeasible to bring it with me and that I’ll have to make do with my laptop. The problem really is that I am quite an intense user, if that makes sense. I do a lot of things with my computer that can’t be done on lower spec computers. As such, I’m holding out any hope that I might be able to bring it with me. Is there any chance I could, if so what would be the best method?

For context, the computer is water-cooled and built with mostly server-grade and/or enthusiast-level components. IE is a pain to disassemble. Also, I would be shipping from the East Coast of the USA.

Thanks for everything I appreciate the help.

tl;dr: Very big, expensive computer, $15k 100lb; would be very convenient if possible to bring to japan during study abroad. East Coast US to Kyoto.

  1. Congratulations brother/ sister

    According with stuff I’ve read people seem to disassemble it and take the pieces. Otherwise given what you told us, perhaps trying to find the best transporter, and you ought to protect that machine of yours with holy water xD

  2. Where are you staying? Dorm? Sharehouse? Rental apartment?

    If you are willing to pay it can be done, but I am more concerned about power draw and whether the place you will be staying will be able to supply that much power.

  3. >Very big, expensive computer, $15k 100lb

    So at that price/size you’re not talking about shipping a PC, you’re talking about shipping a workstation. And your options are going to be priced in the workstation/commercial range.

    Most people who are bringing a PC break the system down into individual components, leave the PSU and case behind, and rebuy/rebuild when they arrive.

    Assuming that’s not an option, well… You’ve got a few choices:

    1. Buy a gigantic pelican case (or similar), get a custom foam insert cut for it, and bring the it as checked baggage. You will end up paying *ludicrous* overweight baggage fees, if the airline even allows it. Which they probably will not. If they do… Hope you packed it well, because it’s going to get abused by the baggage handlers. Probable cost: Hundreds of dollars and probably a broken computer.
    2. Find a specialist shipping service. Get a custom shipping case built for the machine. Pay an exorbitant amount on insuring the shipment. Probable cost: Anything from a couple grand to $10,000+, depending on how fast you want it to arrive.
    3. DIY it. Go to Home Depot, buy some lumber, throw together a shipping crate. Find a Less-Than-Truckload shipping agent, pay them to truck it to a port. Find another shipping agent to put it on a boat to Japan. Find *another* LTL shipper in Japan to ship it to your home. Plus customs fees, and still the aforementioned exorbitant insurance. Actually insurance will probably jump to “extortionate” because you’re not a packing specialist. Probable cost: ***Still*** several thousand dollars.

    Honestly, dude: There’s no cheap way to do this. In your other reply you mentioned finding places in the $4000 range. *That is a* ***great*** *price*. You’re not going to find anything significantly cheaper, because a huge chunk of the cost is going to be insurance.

    It’s a $15k rig. Either ship it right or leave it behind. Don’t half-ass it.

  4. Do you really need to bring the computer? If you’re only studying abroad, presumably for a semester or a year, can’t you do without it and enjoy your time in Japan sans an expensive brick?

  5. Sell it and buy second hand while in Japan for pretty much the same price. Everything used here is in ridiculously good condition. No way shipping such a beast is ending well. Maybe keep the ssd

  6. You have a dual 3090 for 4k 360hz gaming and liquid cooling tubed with iron and filled with mercury or what? I build PCs and even I’m in shock. What do you have in there?

    Also I’m gonna be in Kyoto starting in the last few days of September. If it is a huge gaming rig maybe we can game a bit lol.

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