I bought Heisig RTK — Any Recommendations for an Anki Deck?

After doing my research, I’ve decided to use RTK in conjunction with Anki to learn Kanji. Many of the online guides and posts I’ve read have links to now-defunct anki RTK decks or ones that don’t work very well. Can anyone recommend a deck that has everything for Heisig book 1 and clear instructions on how to use it in anki? Or at least point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance

1 comment
  1. Skim through Heisig. Do the RRTK Heisig in conjunction with the JPLT Tango N5 deck. I’m at n2 level and Heisig was alright but honestly, I forgot everything along the way and don’t remember any of the mnemonics in RTK. Im not saying its a waste of time but don’t pay too much attention to it. Tango N5 will help you MUCH more with things that actually matter like real words using the kanji and a mish mash of Katakana and Hiragana

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