Food sample is Japanese unique culture. So, there are many people who are making such works. I also tried to make these works with my children. I have already given them to my son’s teachers as a present.食品サンプルのようなアクセサリー作りも、日本では人気があります。

Food sample is Japanese unique culture. So, there are many people who are making such works. I also tried to make these works with my children. I have already given them to my son’s teachers as a present.食品サンプルのようなアクセサリー作りも、日本では人気があります。

  1. They are cute and small. What’s the cream made of ?
    Once a while I would see tiny crafts materials in Saudi.

  2. I had an adult student who gave me one of these as a present years ago. They are so cute!

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