The most well-known ancient Chinese poem in Japan?


I’m going to have a discussion in my class sharing interactions between East Asia cultures. I know that some Japanese Textbook includes Chinese ancient poems, and I also heard that 白 居易(はく きょい )is well known in Japan. I would like to know if any Chinese ancient poem that would sound familiar to most Japanese , or any other culture interactions between China and Japan?Thanks very much !


  1. Maybe 李白 and 杜甫 are the most famous in Japan.

    There are japanese sake called 李白.

    Japanese 漢詩 has not been highly evaluated.

    Cus chinese accent is too difficult for Japanese.

    Rather, Chinese is used as a 四字熟語(four-letter word).


    “温故知新(onkotishin)” comes from 論語 “子曰、温故而知新”.

    “四面楚歌(simennsoka)” comes from 史記 “夜聞漢軍四面皆楚歌、項王乃大驚曰”.

    “虎視眈眈(koshitanntann)” comes from 易経 “虎視眈眈、其欲逐逐、无咎”.

    and so on.

  2. One of the first poems students learn is 春暁 by 孟浩然:

    春眠不覚暁 処処聞啼鳥
    夜来風雨声 花落知多少

    It’s very beautiful, but also simple to read, which is why it’s always used as an introductory poem. 静夜思 by 李白 is also well known:

    床前明月光 疑是地上霜
    挙頭望明月 低頭思故郷

  3. A poem which is most recognized is probably 春望 written by 杜甫, as it almost always appeared in the school textbooks.


  4. Not a poem but I think Sun Tzu’s *The Art of War* was relatively influential…?

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