Need quick advise on who will bear cost of lock replacement

I bought a mansion in December 2020 that was already occupied by a tenant from 2017. Said mansion is 42 years old but in very good condition. At the time of purchase, I asked about the master key. I was told by the real estate agent that the property management company would keep it.

In 2022, tenant requested to have the lock changed. Reason was that their kid would start going to school and they need a new copy of the key. Upon reading the contract, I offered to pay 50% because that’s what was written in my contract. My contract says 借主都合交換 is tenant’s responsibility for the lock and key entry in the table of repairs. Since the lock was still usable and not broken, it was a request and not a repair, I felt. Tenant refused. Said that he was not given the master key. I refused to shoulder 100% of the cost. Tenant then went to make a copy using the key which he had which was not the master key. He made the copy, tried it on the lock, the lock jammed. The property management office claimed that the lock jammed due to old age and that I was liable to pay the cost of replacement which was 60,000 yen. They said that the lock was not changed in 42 years but I felt that it was perfectly usable prior to the tenant’s actions, he had used it for 4 years without any problems and the first time I received the request, there was no mention of problems due to old age. That it was old was brought up as an after thought.

I told the property management office that a tenant is required to carefully check everything upon moving in so he cannot claim after 4 years that he did not receive the key. He also did not mention the first time but instead said he wanted to make a copy for his kid who was about to go for school. The property management office is now saying I should have verified the existence of the master key when buying.

Do you think I am responsible for 100% of the cost of the lock replacement fee or can I ask the tenant to pay half of it? ( I already paid all of it but want to recover 50% even though th amount is not life changing. I already reduced the rent once upon the tenant’s request so I feel he is being too stingy. Other wise there is no meaning in a contract. I have the option of making a petition for payment by just paying 1000 yen at the small claims court)

  1. >They said that the lock was not changed in 42 years but I felt that it was perfectly usable

    I stopped right there. Pay for the change in locks please.

  2. “Sorry, tenant. A jury of impartial redditors has judged in my favor and you now have to pay for the changing of the lock.”

  3. When I bought a place I changed out the cylinders myself, got 2 cylinders and 6 keys for around 6000円. If you don’t want to do it yourself call some locksmiths yourself. 6万円 sounds really inflated to me.

    Also why wasn’t a copy made from an original key (the so-called “master”). Could have possibly avoided all this from the start, but being a 42 year old cylinder it may have failed no matter what.

    Edit:it sounds like the property management company already had the work done. I’d ask to see the invoice from the locksmith.

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