Direct flight to Okinawa

From pre-pandemic you could fly directly outside japan to okinawa, just a layover to tokyo/taiwan then okinawa.

But given the circumstances on COVID this past 2 years the entry point of all international flight was tokyo only.

Have the circumstances change now back to the old one where you can directly come to okinawa?

  1. Sorry? What is the question? Direct flight from WHERE? I flew directly to Okinawa from Fukuoka and Kagoshima airports. Without any layover in Taiwan.

  2. I used to travel to and thru Okinawa for years. My favorite was the Continental flight direct from Okinawa to Guam. Took the Asiana flight to back and forth from Oki to Seoul many times. For a while I believe it was PAL that flew to Manila from Oki but only briefly. Ahhh. Those were the good ole days.

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