If someone ask me “ What anime do you like?”, I would answer “Your name”. “Your name” is my most favorite anime. It is the picture what I really value and decorate it on my entrance. There is a lot of beautiful scenery. Thats why my mind is healed to watch this movie. 映画「君の名は」が好きです。

If someone ask me “ What anime do you like?”, I would answer “Your name”. “Your name” is my most favorite anime. It is the picture what I really value and decorate it on my entrance. There is a lot of beautiful scenery. Thats why my mind is healed to watch this movie. 映画「君の名は」が好きです。

  1. 僕もこのアニメが一番好き!この映画はじめて見たらすぐに新海誠の大ファンになった🤣

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