JLPT results are here!

I passed N3, I’m so glad to see my studying finally yield results !

  1. Same!

    I knew language knowledge section was going to be my weak spot but still came out at 27/60.

    Was blown away by my listening result – was confident I’d done well but the guessing gods must have been smiling on me that day – 60/60!

  2. I passed N3 114/180 !!! I was so anxious I couldn’t even enjoy my weekend. So happy right know . This also gives me a lot of confidence to continue my studies. I’m gonna have to focus a lot on kanji this year , cause I’m 100% sure that’s what held me back.

    Congrats to everyone who passed and to those who didn’t don’t give up , you’ll get em next time !

  3. Passed the N4. I did my usual barely studying at all until about a week before so I wasn’t positive I was going to pass. Guess I’ll try for N3 next year.

  4. I passed and took the test in SF, will I get the certificate by email? do I need to pick it up somewhere?

  5. Failed N3 by 9 points. It was my first attempt at any level. After completing it, I already knew… but I have a whole year to study if I want to retake it, so I’m just glad I can focus on the future now.

  6. N1 passed, 163/180.
    言語知識 51/60, 読解 60/60, 聴解 52/60.

    Test taken in Ireland.

    Very happy with it, obviously! My wife took the N3 and she passed as well, we’re both looking forward to what comes next!

    Hope everyone got what they wanted out of this round.

  7. Hi folk, does anyone recall the rules for the password? Is it necessarily an 8-digit code? Or could it be something else?

    I am trying to recall what I chose, if I did at all, as I’m not sure my local institution made this requirement clear.

    Edit: Thanks guys Unfortunately there isn’t an equivalent password reset for Canadians. All I can do is contact the institution and cross my fingers. I’m also unfortunate that my institution didn’t copy the password to any communications.

  8. Passed N2 with 113/180. Very happy with that result, thought there was a good chance I had failed. Surprisingly did worst at vocab/grammar but killed it on reading.

    Maybe N1 in December 2023? Ha, that’s probably asking too much. Also taking a standardized test for the first time in 9 years was no fun; probably not going to do that again this year!

  9. I passed N4 with a 151/180! Pleasantly surprised, I was fairly certain I’d passed but I didn’t think I did THAT well.

  10. didnt pass N4, but I expected as much, really need to practice, practice and practice more.

    My reading is good apparently which I expected it to be bad, but the things I thought I was good at I turned out to be rather mediocre. Oh well, luckily I was only taking it to see my level which is great, now I know where I stand.

  11. Finally passed N2 (104/180)

    Took test at Tokyo Big Sight and echo was awful in the event hall so I was expecting my listening score to be terrible, but somehow managed to do much better than expected!

  12. 124/180 on the JLPT 2!!! this is no joke the accomplishment I’m most proud of in my life. A thousand times more hard work went into this than college or gradschool lol. I can finally say, without feeling like a total liar, that I speak Japanese!

  13. I passed N3!!!! Let’s go! My score was just barely it at 108/180. I remeber going over questions and realizing I marked one wrong but the clock ran out. Feeling so good right now

  14. First time taking JLPT and barely passed N4! Is it possible to take the same level again to improve my scores? I don’t think I’m ready to go for N3 next time…

  15. 105 on N1, self learner, first time taking the test. Not happy with the score, but happy I passed, obviously.

  16. Passed N3 as well, I’m so freaking happy!

    Vocab and Kanji: 40
    Reading: 35
    Listening: 51

    Overall: 126/180

    Results were pretty much in line with what I was getting from the mock exams, I’m pleasantly surprised with my score in listening, it has always been my strong suit, but I was expecting just a bit more than 40 based on how brutal it was.

    This was my third attempt at taking the JLPT (first time took the N4, which I failed, second time N3, which I also botched), so third time is the charm for sure.

    Congrats to all who passed, and to those who didn’t, 頑張れ!, I’ve been there and know how it feels, don’t let that discourage you and keep pushing forward!

  17. Passed the N4!!! Woot! I failed the first time but went back and made the must needed corrections!

  18. N5 passed, 106/180. Rather happy about it to be honest, I was certain I cocked up the listening.

    Well done anyone who sat the exam, and congrats to those who passed.

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