Anyone else get diarrhea from Konbini food?

It’s like playing diarrhea roulette when I eat konbini food for breakfast. Will I have the incredible urge to poop within the first 10minutes of consumption or will i be okay? Who knows. I just be sure to donate spare change to the donation box and hopefully that’ll give me good karma.

But seriously ,whats with the food that give me the runs??

  1. I eat conbini food daily without too many problems.

    Could be a reaction to something that you ate or the product that you ate wasn’t right?

  2. You might have IBS or you may even be missing your gallbladder. Either way consult a specialist.

  3. I do, but that is because I am gluten and dairy intolerant. You might want to get an allergy check.

  4. I’ve heard they add sorbitol as a preservative to rice and other items. Some people with IBS can’t handle sorbitol. Could that be it?

  5. Least you can buy change of underpants and mini bidet at the same time!
    Ballancing it out by clogging yourself up with a bucket of chips and a couple of potat hash!

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