What do you wear at home?

Recently I cracked and bought a long down jacket exclusively to wear in bed (if others are doing this too, then no wonder the birth rate’s so low). I spend most of my waking hours in bed because I can no longer afford to heat my 1K apartment. I’m thinking of buying a hat and gloves for indoor use too.

What do you wear at home, and specifically in bed?

  1. I got a hot water bottle off Amazon (the soft style, not the hard one). Absolute game changer for bed on cold nights.

  2. Anything + electric blanket. If you can be bothered, you can even put it under the duvet sheet so that it doesn’t bunch up.

  3. One of those oodie things around the house, with a hot water bottle inside it’s super toasty. To bed, flannel pajamas (the old man style ones), an undershirt and big fluffy socks.

  4. One of those oodie things around the house, with a hot water bottle inside it’s super toasty. To bed, flannel pajamas (the old man style ones), an undershirt and big fluffy socks.

  5. Morning with no work hoodie and an apron with socks.

    Night, nothing. But sometimes I forget to take the apron off.

    On cold days I tend to make soup and the boiling heats up the small apartment which is why sometimes I fall asleep in my apron.

  6. In bed: Whatever I decide to wear the next morning + electric blanket

    At home out of bed: whatever I decide to wear that day + fleece (?) jacket + socks

    I rarely turn on heater in my place.

  7. heattech top and fleece trousers both from Uniqlo. have a fleece jacket but rarely use it since my hands frequently get wet / dirty in the day

  8. I just wrap myself witth those 2000yen electric blanket.
    They use only about 40w so it’s super cheap when comparing to 1000w heater.

  9. In bed? My undies and a T-shirt. We have Nitori N-warm sheets/blankets coupled with a decent futon, and I often wake up too hot and have to throw a leg out from under the blankets as a heat sink. Wife sleeps a lot colder and wears fleece PJs and uses a microwavable foot heatbag thingy.

  10. I acclimated to cold weather because I don’t like hot weather . I just wear one jacket over my a slightly thick shirt. And in bed we have a thick blanket so I take off the jacket.

  11. Please do wear a knitted hat to sleep when it’s cold – it’ll keep you way warmer and you won’t regret it.

  12. Uniqlo heat tech long underwear or whatever it’s called. The cotton version, not the sweaty polyester version. Sweatpants, sweatshirt, Uniqlo downvest. Wool cap, wool socks, and house slippers. Everything Uniqlo except socks and hat. Sometimes a Hansen, under the Kotatsu, with a boiling nabe.

  13. In bed, only a T-shirt. Normal day at home a heat tech t-shirt, with a warm sweater, heat tech pants with either training pants or jeans, and heat tech socks.


  14. Awake, I’m wearing sweatpants, long thick socks, a Heat-Tech shirt, a quilted sweatshirt, and a bench coat, have a fleece blanket around my legs, and am wearing a knit cap and fingerless gloves.

    At night, I wear a long sleeved shirt and a knit cap, use three thick futons, and bathe just before retiring.

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