Fresh whole fish around Kawasaki

Greetings all,

I live around the Kawasaki area and I’m looking for a market that sells whole fresh fish such as tilapia. I’m planning on making a Peruvian style ceviche for a party. Anyone have any recommendations where it can be purchased? Thank you in advance!

  1. You may also want to try asking in /r/Tokyo.

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  2. Are you looking for any whole fish? Or specifically tilapia? Because normal grocery stores sell whole fish, and there should be at least one fish monger at major stations.

  3. Kawasaki is big as fuck, can you be more specific? Kawasaki stretches from the western mountains to Tokyo bay.

    Do you you mean the city proper/ downtown area?

  4. Isn’t ceviche like sashimi? Wouldn’t you be better off/safer just buying sashimi grade fish anywhere?

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