Does anyone know any normal foreigners that live in Japan? Or are they all as weird as the people around where I live?

All so strange bro…

  1. didn’t you read the fine print on the back of the VISA application form? gotta be weird or no VISA

  2. Where do you live in japan though?

    In my place there are plenty of foreigners roaming around the main city. And almost all of them act decently.

    But maybe thats because foreigners living here like me just wants to focus more on their career than having fun.

  3. Loads.

    You just have to know where to find them. They’re mostly out in the real world, doing stuff that doesn’t require being anonymous behind a keyboard.

  4. Foreigners are a rare sight in my corner of Kyushu. Most of my encounters with weird foreigners occur in this sub.

  5. Just for reference, are the weird people who live around you foreigners or Japanese?

  6. I think, no one in their right mind would come to Japan, if they’re not weird. So we are weird, because we’re in our right mind; if we weren’t, we weren’t weird, so we weren’t here, but we’re here, isn’t that weird?

  7. A “normal person” would never stay in Japan.

    So no, we are all weird, as are you.

  8. OP, have you ever been the DMV in a big American city?
    Ever notice how many people there are fucking weird?

    Yeah, that’s a sample size of the average population of America

  9. Normal foreigners would be in their countries doing normal regular things like everyone their age there. it takes some power to leave your country and home town and go abroad. Welcome to the club.

  10. At my workplace, about 100 of my colleagues are foreigners – and most of them are decent. There are very few weird ones.

  11. The normal ones are busy minding their own business. They’re not out there talking to strange foreigners just so they can try to establish dominance.

  12. Of course we’re weird. If you’re looking at westerners, we all left our homes to move someplace very far away, where we generally knew few/zero people, with an inaccessible language, a very different culture, a weaker economy, etc., and we stayed through this weird pandemic time, and we got used to earthquakes and North Korean missile scares, and so on. We all ran away from something or ran toward something that brought us here, on a path very different from the vast majority of people back home.

    It looks like you moved here from England to teach English when you could almost certainly do better in all sorts of ways closer to home. You’re weird too.

    Just make peace with it — we’re all odd ducks. Or go home if you miss the normies.

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