Thoughts on Japanese vocabulary podcast?

I’m in my first month of Japanese and right now my main form of immersion is podcasts as well as music. I do watch anime but I haven’t made the transition to Japanese subtitles yet as I would not get much out of that at this point. In the vocabulary that I have been learning, some of the words stick and some of them don’t, as is the same for most people when they are learning. I decided to find a podcast today that just has a person reading words in English then their Japanese translations. Is this bad or good? I haven’t seen many people mention this as a method before, but the job I work I am able to have headphones in for the entire shift so I can just listen to podcasts like Nihongo con Teppei, which I really enjoy, and this vocab podcast. Is this a method worth doing or do I just keep listening to Japanese podcasts even though I don’t understand everything yet but get the general idea of what he is talking about?

1 comment
  1. Listening to podcasts/music alone without learning vocabulary/grammar and watching content with visual context will slow your learning to a crawl. Using an SRS and immersing with Japanese subs will help you progress faster. Even if you don’t understand the subs at first, after learning a vocabulary word in your SRS you will begin to understand your JP subs because of it as you immerse more.

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