Which is better? Taking notes on a computer vs writing in a notebook?

Hey everyone. Which method so you find works better? Taking notes on a computer or using notebooks? The only real advantage I can think of, is being able to type kanji and kana, whereas writing them in a notebook can take longer . Or is a combination of computer and physical notes ideal?

  1. Studies have shown that the mechanical function of writing by hand helps with memorization because it’s a physical way of “visualizing” a concept you want to learn. It’s especially useful when doing kanji. Just make sure to learn the proper stroke order so that you can get used to how to look up kanji in a dictionary.

  2. Personally, I don’t think taking notes really help that much at all. Especially because I never review my notes. If you don’t live in Japan there is probably little practical reason to learn to write/stroke order, and its limited even if you live there.

    Children in Japan are taught kanji using rote memorization, literally writing them out hundreds of times. As an adult, there are better ways to learn than that.

    In the end, do what works for you.

  3. What kind of notes are we talking about?

    There is no one size fits all it depends what you are doing.

    * I have a document in notepad on contractions

    * I have a doc on the many uses of the よう grammar point

    * I have some anki cards that I use instead of notes, to remind me of certain things like grammar

    * I save some reddit posts and those are like notes

    * When I was starting JP vocab was really hard so I used paper so I could pay more attention to each word as I slowly wrote it

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