Working on Checklist for March Depature, any Advice appreciated :)

Hello Yall, I shall be departing to Interac West in March.

So Im basically just waiting for my CoE paperwork to come in within the next few weeks, that’s when they told me it would appear, for Interac West and I think it’s about time to work on a checklist of things I may need to acquire before departure in March.

(I had the chance to take an early departure in the later side of last year but the call was so abrupt that I wouldn’t have been able to prepare in time, so I had to turn it down, and I don’t want to get caught off guard with a condensed time frame again in terms of being able to get ready)

Other than personal things such as leaving my things with family, and finding someone to watch my cat while I’m gone etc… I have a “general” idea of what I’m bringing with me. But there are some specific questions I have that can really only be answered by people who have already been to Japan or are currently there.

I guess basically I don’t want to OVER pack, but I also don’t want to find my self in a “dang I should have thought of that” situation.

In terms of Clothing before I go out purchasing suits, shirts and shoes I would like to know what is “accepted” as appropriate conservative. Such as Colors of outfits, and if they have to be solid colors or if Patterened dress shirts are allowed or not. Im male if that has any factor on what is seen as “dress code”. Shoes wise are sneakers workable as classroom shoes? I kinda have wide feet for my shoe size and they just fit best for me. Also, Im REALLY not a tie person, but if I had to choose a tie I was wondering of Bow Ties are accepted.

Also, Im wondering if its possible to just pack a bare minimum amount of clothing and just buy more when I get to Japan, But im well aware that American Sizes don’t translate to well to other parts of the world, though im not that big. Height 5’9”, Shirts Small/Medium, Pants 32×32. Shoe size could be a bit of an issue for me, my shoe size is 9.5 x 4E. Even where I live now Im limited on the shoes I can choose from because of the 4E width, with the local New Balance having the most selections for me.

Also Ill most likely be in the middle of nowhere, as I requested the countryside, was born and raised in a small podunk town, well more like a village, so felt appropriate, also gives me a break from city life. So not sure if that will also affect my ability to purchase clothing.

As for my Electroincs, Ill probably order a set of adaptors soon and have those ready. I will be keeping my current phone, which will work fine in Japan, will just need to get a simcard for it, any suggestions on what company I should look into for that when im there? for the West region ill be in.

\[dang this is still going? Why am I typing so much\] Im also wondering If I should order one of those Hanko personal stamps and have that ready before I depart as well. Or is that super easy to take care of upon arrival? Ive also heard that some things are still required to enter the country such as getting the Covid booster, or getting a covid test within a few days before departure, Im already double-vaxed. Is that still in effect? Should probably cut this at this point, not trying to write an essay >.>’, I guess finally any personal advice on what to prepare and what to prepare for thats not obvious until your actually there thats not really thought of beforehand?



Thank You, 🙂

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