Question | Learning J-pop as a Beginner

I’ve been trying to learn 星が泳ぐ(Op. 1 for Summertime Rendering), and I’m having a hard time learning the words, mostly because I don’t understand them. or the most part I here just a bunch of sounds. Should I try and learn the English translation, and then move to the original so I can follow better? Any Ideas would be appreciated.

  1. As much as I encourage people to learn through songs if they want to, it has always implied that they either have the basics down already or are planning to learn the basics. Unless you’re planning to work your way through songs that ramp up in difficulty, it is best to just learn the basics using more traditional methods (i.e. *not* through songs).

    If you just want to know what the song means, go ahead and look up a translation. If, on the other hand, you want to actually learn Japanese to be able to tackle any other song out there, then I suggest holding off on the translations and instead focus on getting familiar with vocabulary and grammar, as well as the writing system to basically “unlock” all of the songs’ hidden meanings which legitimately won’t show up in just the words that are being sung. How you do *that* is another can of worms that has been discussed over and over, and over, and over, and over again on here.

  2. The basics are tedious as hell if you skip them. There’s no wrong way but really I personally recommend grinding through the fundamentals through a textbook. You’ll find yourself getting to the “meat” sooner than you would going through all the fundamentals organically. Mostly cause it’s so different from English. For similar languages to English I would indeed do it organically.

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