Kishida comes out with his cautiousness about same-sex marriage

Kishida comes out with his cautiousness about same-sex marriage

  1. “such as the role of women in giving birth and raising children.”

    He does realize that gay women can still give birth and raise their child right?

    He’s also going on about the decline birth rate. How about we allow same sex couples the ability to get married and raise their own family by adoption/surrogacy

  2. “We need to be extremely careful in considering the matter as it could affect the structure of family life in Japan,”


    Allowing us marriage doesn’t “turn” more people gay, you absolute imbecile. It gives rights to those of us who just happen to be gay already.

  3. I have 5 really good gay or asexual Japanese friends, two of which are actively attempting to adopt. These are “problems” according to the government, because they won’t increase the population and contribute to the tax pyramid scheme.

    Meanwhile, I have about 18-20 straight friends, men and women, who are utterly otaku and really have no solid prospects – or real interest – in getting married or having kids. Too much of a hassle, they’re living their best lives (some still living with their parents; many with decent jobs and hobbies). I love them all and don’t judge, but they’re all in their 40s and 50s and will be (happily) single for life, most likely.

    But this huge increase in with-parent-living unmarried aging singles (getting all their social and sexual needs met without being married or having kids) are apparently non-issue according to the government, since they’re straight? **Pffffffft.**

    I don’t have The Solution to dwindling population here, but it’s sure not “prevent gays from marrying”.

  4. A good chunk of my friendgroup here is LGBT+, more than one of which are in committed same-sex relationships and have been for many years. That the Japanese government can’t pull it’s head out of it’s ass for 30 seconds to give humans human rights is infuriating.

  5. “have opposed the concept, emphasizing the country’s traditional values, such as the role of women in giving birth and raising children.”

    that being part of why the birth rate is falling lol the younger generations do not care about those ancient values and neither does the economy so it’s time for the politicians to face it

  6. both sides should have the right to protest.

    homosexuals deserve the right to be together. freedom of speech.

    people who dislike homosexuals should be able to protest with their opinions in every form of media as well.

    Hate speech should be a violation with suspensions.

    But expressing opinions and protesting should not.

  7. I’m Japanese and sadly I’m pretty sure this is major opinion of the majority of Japanese people. Many Japanese only consume gays and lesbians as fictional Yaoi or Yuri contents and they never cares about real gay people or whoever wants same sex marriage.

  8. Make sense, not to empower foreign value that will erode local’s, especially with current population declining concern. well done Kishida.

  9. I stopped reading the title when I read “coming out” and my mind just went blank

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