Going to quit eikaiwa and would like some opinions.

I have been working for an eikaiwa for almost a year now as the sole foreign teacher because of this branch school’s size. My manager also does teach a little when needed, as does the one Japanese teacher who only comes on Fridays and Saturdays. But, I am assigned the most students during the majority of the week and am the main teacher.

However, this time has also been used to prepare to enter a senkou that starts in April of this year, which means I will be breaking contract two months early. My manager knows I have been planning to go to school but I hadn’t given her any timeframe since, at the time, I was still waiting to pass the entrance exam, jlpt, etc. So her assumed mindset is on my finishing the contract with no interruption.
Regardless, I’m going to quit but I’d like to have some opinions on the timing. I’m not worried about breaking contract as the
only thing I’m “losing” is the ability to receive a letter of recommendation and bonus pay for completing the year contract.

I’ve been accepted into a senkou and have everything prepared for immigration in order to switch to a student visa and request part-time work, etc.
During this visa change process, I am still allowed to be at this job but once the visa process is complete I am legally not able to work here anymore and will have to quit the day of, if not done earlier.
I will be going to get a new apartment soon too but because the current apartment I’m in is contracted by the company and my visa will be sent here, I’m worried about saying anything too early with the concern I may be let go out of spite and lose this address. Thus, regardless of it being undesired, my plan has been to pretty much wait until the new visa is processed and if it so happens to be a work day, resign on the spot. The visa process is said to take anywhere from two weeks to a month so my timeline, the latest, being the middle to end of February as my last working days.

Basically I’m asking if I should be nice or just move forward.

Thank you in advanced for anyone’s opinion.

  1. Read your contract but 2 weeks should suffice since you already have told them your plans.

    Just make sure to get all of your ducks in a row.

  2. I help run a small eikaiwa and basically the more notice you can give, the better.

    Quitting on the spot is a serious dick move. Two weeks isn’t really enough time to hire a new teacher in a lot of places.

    Unless you hate your employer, give them some notice.

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