Best places in Kyushu

Hey guys. My girlfriend and me are traveling from Okinawa over Kyoto to Tokyo over the time of 2 weeks. Please tell me your recommendations which we should consider in Kyushu. We are tending towards Kagoshima bc of Yakushima island(Mononoke forest) and Sakurajima.

1 comment
  1. There’s a fair bit of variety across the nine prefectural areas in Kyushu, in terms of scenery and sights.

    Really depends what you’re interested in.

    Kagoshima and Sakurajima would definitely be top options in my opinion. Beppu has the whole Onsen town thing, and Nagasaki is important historically speaking.

    Personally I’d include Fukuoka as well, but that’s mainly because I just love the vibe. It’s not overwhelmingly big like Tokyo or Osaka, but still has the great food and culture that comes with a city of 1 mill + people.

    Just to confuse further, Saga and Kumamoto are also worth a look-see, and there’s tons of little pocket gems in the countryside, but on your timetable it’s probably best to pick 2 or 3 for day trips and go back another time for the rest of the urge strikes.

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