Itinerary check: mostly near Tokyo and also Okinawa

My family of 3 will hopefully be going to Japan in August, and I’ve devised an itinerary, but I want to make sure it’s good. The days that I leave blank will be spent in Tokyo, doing whatever we find interesting in the guidebook.

Day 1: fly into Haneda, and buy a Tokyo Wide Pass for use later. Take a Haneda-Narita train and get off at Higashi-Matsudo. We have relatives we will be staying with near that station. Spend a day getting rid of the jet lag, possibly doing something in the afternoon.

Day 2: Visit relatives in the mountains east of Matsumoto.

Day 3/4: Go to Fuji-Q Highland, staying at the Kawaguchiko Station Inn

Day 5: Go to Shinjuku, and buy a Hakone Freepass. Pay the surcharge for the Romancecar before getting it to Hakone. Explore Hakone. Check into a private room in K’s House Hakone.

Day 6: Explore Hakone, before leaving in the afternoon by Romancecar.

Day 8: Go to Narita Airport, and take a peach/Jetstar flight to Naha, Okinawa. Possibly rent a car. The hotel is undecided, but it needs to be walking distance from the beach.

Day 9/10: On Okinawa-honto, we will mainly be on the beach, and possibly snorkelling.

Day 11: Leave Okinawa.

Day 12: Use the Tokyo Wide Pass to go to Nikko.

Day 13: Use the pass to go to Karuizawa, riding the SL Gunma before or after the visit.

Day 14: Use the pass to go to Hitachi Seaside Park.

Day 17: Leave Japan.

We’ll be using the pocket wi-fi.

  1. *”My family of 3 will be going to Japan in August”*

    I admire your confidence.

    Also, hope you enjoy blistering heat.

  2. You are really optimistic if you think you will be able to enter Japan in August 2021.

    I guess that is you go to Matsumoto, you would get to Kawaguchiko by train from there, but you really do not have to go all the way back to Tokyo to reach Hakone. You can take a bus from Kawaguchiko to Gotemba, then a bus to Hakone. It might require to check the schedule to make sure everything is ok, but that seams easier for me.

    If you were to go to Kawaguchiko from Tokyo, then I would suggest to use the Fuji-Hakone pass, but as you would likely not start from Tokyo, then just get the Hakone free pass. You can pay for the bus from Kawaguchiko to Gotemba, then start using the pass from there to Hakone and spend the two next days in Hakone. Oh, and you likely want to buy the pass in Tokyo before going if you do this.

    Tokyo wide pass… that work, but that is also a lot of time spent in the train each day, assuming you would do them all as day trips from Tokyo.

  3. Have you used the wi-fi rental before? Looks like it is just a device you order and pick up when you get to japan? This is most likely what my family will go with when we finally get to go.

  4. Just as a note: Okinawa is quite hot and humid in August. Also depending on your timing you need to be careful with Obon which occurs during the lunar calendar in Okinawa. Also, August is school vacation season and one of the busiest tourist months, expect high prices. To be honest 2 nights in Okinawa is pretty short time, and possibly not worth the expense and time to get there— I love Okinawa (lived there 7 years) but there is so much amazing to do there I would not limit to a 2 night trip. Renting a car is a must as well, public transit there is terrible.
    If you are only going for snorkeling, then perhaps consider flying to Miyako-jima directly, it is a more casual island, less city and much more amazing diving and snorkeling.

  5. Make sure you pack your deodorant lol, because you will be sweaty and you won’t find it there.

    If you like WWII history at all, Oki has a ton of places to visit in regards to that.

    I would argue it’s not worth flying there if you’re going to leave so soon though. But Okinawa expenses should be a lot less than mainland ones, so if you’re going to go, I would say at least stay a few more days and save yourself money overall.

    Edit: Okinawa also has a famous aquarium. It’s quite big and nice, but I’ve been there like 4x so I’m over it haha.

  6. I’m sure you’ve thought of it, but just a reminder for everyone that you will need an international drivers license to rent a car in Okinawa/Japan.

  7. [Okinawa is prone to typhoons in the summer months](, so just be aware if you fly out with the intention of spending 5 days, it could be shortened to 3 days if a storm approaches. Depending on the severity of the storm, the track, and the airlines, you could be stranded in Okinawa if the area is hard hit. This actually happened to me back on my first trip, and because it was so close to the end of my trip, I ended up going back to Tokyo two days early so I wouldn’t miss my flight home.

    I would recommend putting it more towards the beginning of the trip, or even the middle in case this happens. Then you don’t lose time in Okinawa, but you also don’t run the risk of being stuck in Japan and having to pay for a new flight back because you missed the first one – something that may not be covered by travel insurance. [Typhoon Faxai did this to many tourists last year]( so it’s good to be aware of the possibilities if something like this happens.

  8. If you can put together an overnight stay at a typical Japanese Onsen. It is something awesome & totally different

  9. Suga announced Friday vaccination schedule and not looking good. Most won’t get vaccine until September

  10. That sounds awesome! Please stop by the War memorials on Okinawa. For all the souls who never made it home

  11. You aren’t getting to Japan in August.

    Edit: massive lol at getting downvoted for providing objectively correct truth. Feels >>>>>reals

  12. Honestly if you want to be near to a beach just take a ferry from Tomari to one of the Kerama islands. There is no such thing as ‘walking distance to a beach’ in Naha. DM me if you want some advice I’ve been here a while.

  13. Just wanted you know that Japan is banning all foreigners (especially those that are planning to attend the Olympics) I have friends and family there and still am not permitted entry. I have had my 1st vaccine and am hoping that they will change their minds but keep this in mind when planning your trip lest you be disappointed

  14. I’m jealous ! Sending good vibes and thoughts that you guys will get to go🙏🏼

  15. You’ll need a drivers license of sorts in order to drive a rental there. I know some car insurance companies provide them if you let them know you’re visiting a foreign country, so check with your provider. If y’all are looking for all inclusive, buffets and stuff I definitely recommend staying at a hotel in Okinawa, I absolutely love the hotel on Moon Beach. But, a cheaper and more private alternative would be getting an Airbnb and there’s many that are right on the beach and provide beach equipment.

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