Withdrawing from Interac

I’m set to leave to Japan with Interac for Spring 2023 but I got offered an interview with the Jet Program.

Will there be any repercussions if I withdraw right now and test me luck with the Jet interview?
Will they blacklist me or something? Don’t want to get on their bad side just in case I’m not successful at the Jet interview.

  1. Blacklist? Not officially. But you might as well consider yourself as such. They get plenty of applicants that they can go with rather than risking having wasted their time and investment on you again, especially pulling so close to leave time.

    It is your gamble though; Jet is certainly more accommodating and pays slightly better.

  2. With a JET interview you have less than a 50% chance of being offered a job. Also, your start date will be much later with JET.

    If you are intending to stay in Japan for a year Interac might be OK. If you are looking at Japan as a long-term thing JET is certainly better.

  3. Interac is 100% aware of the JET time line, and that people prefer JET to them. That said, if you’re willing to roll the dice on JET, just tell Interac you’ve had a family emergency and need to delay your start date. They will know it’s a lie, but it helps everyone save face. Also important to know is that this means you go to the bottom of the pile when it comes to a new placement with Interac, they’re not going to hold the position already offered to you.

  4. How long is the JET hiring process? Spring is a long ways away. I see no issue with staying on with Interac until you have an answer from JET. I got accepted for my ALT job when I was already in the process of starting with eikaiwa Kids Duo. They were already processing my visa when I accepted with my new company. The only issue I had was that I needed to contact them to cancel the visa and it took a little over a week.

  5. OP I’m a JET whose BOE has a few contracts with Interac. The two ppl I’ve talked to did not have good things to say about working for Interac (as most of this comments section) and are working second jobs as their salary isn’t good. Apparently they don’t get paid if the school is closed, work longer hours, and they had to pay for their own airfare. Try to get JET if you can. Good luck on the interview.

  6. Just like to add that even if you don’t get shortlisted with JET, they have the alternate status. It’s pretty good because you still have a chance to be a JET.

  7. Don’t withdraw, ask if you can defer due to “family reasons”. You are still interested, just need to sort things out. I did the same. There are no real negatives for them in keeping you on file, given they have gone through the entire process.

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