Anyone gotten covid 90 days before leaving?

Has anyone had any experiences with getting and recovering from COVID, but within 90 days of departure?Im wondering because apparantly tests can show up positive even after recovering for up to 90 days later. And since we need a negative test to even board the plane, I wonder what would happen if the test showed a false positive. How did people show proof of recovery?

I dont plan on getting sick and being out in large crowds now since coutndown is on, but still good to plan for the possibility. Obviously the easy answer to this is dont get sick and stay inside, but Ive seen people keep to themselves and still get it, it can really happen to anyone.

Thanks for any help or input!

  1. Japan doesn’t accept proof of recovery for immigration purposes. If you can’t pass your PCR, you can’t enter the country. If you pass your pre-departure PCR, but test positive at your PCR after landing (Japan requires you to take 2 PCRs. One pre-departure and one at the airport after landing) then you’ll be allowed into Japan but required to complete a mandatory hotel quarantine.

    Someone posted last year about catching covid before departure and they had to leave with a later departure group.

  2. Actually i had covid one week before I was supposed to fly. So in the end I had to change my flight date. But to be honest you should be fine within 90 days.

  3. Can show up positive doesn’t mean likely to. I’m post JET but was home in the US visiting during December. Caught COVID just after new year, less than a week before my original return. Delayed returning for two weeks, tested negative multiple times by then after testing positive two weeks earlier. It’s unlikely to be a problem and nothing you can do about it even if it is. If your still testing positive you’ll likely have to delay departure and your consulate/embassy will work with you on that. Japan won’t accept anything but a negative test so when you test negative that’s when you’ll be able to come.

  4. I got Covid on 28 March and was still testing positive for my early April departure on 9 April. I continued to test positive on lateral flow tests until the end of April. I’m now set to leave this Saturday and so far I’ve tested negative on 2 PCRs taken over the last week! Just got the 72hr before flight one to do this Thursday and I’ll be ready to go!

  5. This thread is a good resource. I just got covid for the first time but I think ill be good sometime before the 75 days until I depart are up.

    I doubt I’ll be positive for that long so I’m not really worried but its good to know based on some reading here they can just delay your flight and you can go a little later.

  6. Yes.

    Im in this huge mess now as I caught covid (asymptomatic) from visiting a family member about 12 days ago and I am scheduled to depart in 4 days from now. So I will not know whether I am boarding the plane to leave until I get my PCR (special travel PCR which cost $145 to get🥴) result a day before the flight.

    I also only just got out of quarantine, so I only have 4 days before my flight to move out of my sharehouse, organise everything I need and pack my bags, and try to say goodbye to friends. Since I have already organised my moving out of my house and a new tenant is moving in, if I am unable to board the plane this weekend I will be homeless and couch surfing untill the July departure group goes and I try to depart a 2nd time.

    I explained how inconvenient everything was for me to my city consulate, but they said if I want to reschedule the flight at this point I will have to pay the fee for the plane ride (money I dont have). So I have to just pack up and get ready to leave as per usual and then if I test positive 72 hours before the flight, CLAIR will reschedule my flight and pay that fee for me. So essentially I have no choice but to pack everything up and get ready for a plane I am most likely not even getting on.

    Absolute mess. This wouldn’t be a problem for those who live with family or have somewhere to stay for example, but since I live out of home and have organised my moving out this is extremely stressful for me.

    I would recommend to people to be diligent about trying not to get covid in the weeks leading up to departure if you want to catch that plane.

  7. I just got COVID (two days ago was my positive test), so here’s to hoping I’m negative by July 26th 🙁 (Departure is supposed to be July 30th), so nerve wracking.

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