Conflicting teaching methods?

Hello I just moved to Japan to study Japanese again this time on a student visa and looking for some advice.

I spent a lot of time studying studying Japanese via a certain teaching method like minna no nihongo at a Japanese language school in Japan and loved the experience and got a lot out of it, then stopped studying for awhile. Long story…

Then years later I picked it back up again at a different language school in Japan which had a different teaching method (not really textbook based). I picked a different school because I wanted to try something new, but I was wrong. I am trying my best to enjoy the experience and get what I can out of it but its tough. I am having trouble because I now realize I learned better and enjoyed the previous teaching methods better.

I think the teachers are pretty awesome at the school but the teaching method is hard to follow sometimes compared to what I enjoyed and was used too. I think it would be totally fine if I didn’t study anywhere else before but since I did, I am getting a bit frustrated and I have to do extra work to understand their way of teaching compared to what I learned before.

I am looking for any tips or advice from someone who went through the same thing. Also to overcome my stubborn mind that is stuck on the past teaching method. I am considering switching schools as I am not really enjoying classes that much but I am on a student visa which makes things a bit difficult. Trying my best but I want to get the most I can out of my studies but getting frustrated and its starting to disrupt my life here in Japan. Appreciate any help. Thank you.

  1. You could supplement what you’re learning at the school with a textbook and self-study, if that’s your preferred method. Maybe review relevant units from Minna (or Genki, or whatever) as a support?

    Or maybe talk directly to your teachers? Surely they have some sort of counselling / support for people who are struggling at the school.

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