How long does it take to become fluent enough to understand manga and anime entirely in japanese?

Assume one spends at least an hour a day studying. How long roughly do you think it would be?

  1. Well, there’s so many factors that affect how long it would take (talent for language, talent for Japanese specifically, whether you live in Japan, etc.), but under the most absolute *barebones* (i.e. take with a grain of salt) estimate;

    * [This site](, which claims to be pulling from the Foreign Service Institute of the US (I’ve seen the page before, but can’t find it ATM), puts the number of hours required at 2200
    * Assuming one hour a day of studying, this would mean an 2200 days to be ‘fluent’. This is about 6 years.
    * In truth, an hour a day without any time spent actually in Japan is probably fairly ineffective, so could take longer.
    * ‘Fluent’ is also slightly nebulous. If only focusing on reading and listening, it could take a bit less time; but the output skills feed back into the input skills, plus there could be more vocabulary if the anime/manga is difficult, so it could also take *more* time.

    Basically, Japanese isn’t really a language where you can go ‘I want to try reading manga in Japanese, maybe if I try learning for one hour a day for a few weeks I’ll be able to do that’. It’s a bit more of a commitment.

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